Thursday, February 12, 2009


Noam Toran is a teacher at the Royal College of Art and lectures worldwide, his work spanning multiple disciplines and mediums, from film to installations, conceptual product design to photography.

From his bio:
"Toran's research informs the creation of objects and films that reflect upon and critique the intersection between design, mass culture, technology, cinema, and psychology.  Consistently, the work appropriates the discourse of design as a means with which to investigate and envision anomalies in contemporary and speculative human behaviour.  Often foregrounding them in short films, the objects are imagined as constructions for particular individuals and psyches, vehicles for an elaboration of the desires, fantasies and pathologies unique to specific modern subjects"

His work is part of the NY MoMA and FRAC Ile-de-France collections.

'Buried Alive', 2004, installation and video
'Object for Lonely Men', 2001, conceptual product and film
'Accessories for Lonely Men', 2001, conceptual product 
'All the Robots', 2007, film
'Bra Machine', 2007, Mixed Media

I love the bra 'trainer', a play on the concept of the 'training bra'.  This piece was inspired by accounts of post-war repressive institutionalized sex education and is meant to teach adolescent boys how to easily unhook one.
And, if you love 'Breathless' like I do, have a look at 'Object for Lonely Men', a short about a man who was so obsessed with the film that he "designs and builds a tray which reflects the visual language of the film".

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